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3D Geometry Specifications:

* 3DS - The 3D Studio Format
* MLI - 3D Studio's Material-Library Format
* BYU - Movie BYU file format
* DEM - USGS Standards for Digital Elevation Models [Link]
* DXF - Used by Autodesk's AutoCAD
. DXF Release 13 specification [Link]
. DXF Release 12 specification / [Link]
. DXF Release 10 specification / [Link]
. Creating DXF files
* FIG - Used by REND386/AVRIL
* FLT - MulitGen Inc.'s OpenFlight format [link]
* GLC - File format information
* HDF - Hierarchical Data Format [Link]
* IGES - Initial Graphics Exchange Specification
* IV - Open Inventor File Format Info [Link]
* LWLO, LWOB & LWSC - Lightwave 3D file formats
- LWLO - Lightwave 3D Layered Object
- LWOB - Lightwave 3D Object
- LWSC - Lightwave 3D Scene
* MAZ - Used by Division's dVS/dVISE
* MGF - Materials and Geometry Format [Link]
* MSDL - Manchester Scene Description Language [Link]
* NFF & ENFF - (Extended) Neutral File Format
- NFF - Scene description language by Eric Haines
- NFF - Used by Sense8's WorldToolKit
- ENFF - Extensions to Eric Haines' NFF
* OBJ - Wavefront Object Files
* OFF - A 3D mesh Object File Format
* OOGL - Object Oriented Graphics Library
* PLG - Used by REND386/AVRIL
* POV - Persistence of Vision ray-tracer
* QD3D - Apple's QuickDraw 3D Metafile format [Link]
* TDDD - Used by the Imagine & Turbo Silver ray-tracers
* VIZ - Used by Division's dVS/dVISE
* VRML - Virtual Reality Modeling Language
- VRML97 ISO Specification [Link]
- Version 1.0 Specification / [Link]
* WLD - Used by REND386/AVRIL

Moving Image Resources:

* MPEG - Moving Picture Expert Group
. The MPEG-1 Archive and The MPEG-2 Archive [Link]
. Lance Ladic's Info on the MPEG Format [Link]
. MPEG Resources on the Web [Link]
. MPEGe Lib: A library to help create MPEG movies [Link]
* QuickTime - Info on QuickTime Movies
. Apple's QuickTime Continuum [Link]
. Lance Ladic's Info on the QuickTime Format [Link]
. QuickTime players for a number of platforms [Link]
* FLI/FLC - Autodesk's Flic Animation format
. Flic format description
. Further Flic format description
* AVI - Microsoft's Audio Video Interleave format
. Lance Ladic's Info on the AVI Format [Link]
. OpenDML AVI File Format Extensions V1.0 [Link]
. Short Overview of AVI features [Link]

N.B. If you are interested in graphics viewers/converters for a particular format, please check the File Formats FAQ and the Graphics Utils' Site & Version FAQ.