The DVS Object Supermarket
This page offers a means of viewing and downloading many of the
.BIZ format models stored at the UK VR-SIG 3D Object Archive. This
format is used by the dVS package from Division Ltd.
These images were supplied directly by Division; in addition to the following
two images of Division material:
Man on Stairs with HMD,
Scientist Interacting with Molecule.
- View office scene from training
model. And another office scene.
Download] (391KB)
- View room scene from house
model. And another room scene.
Download] (5,016KB)
- View car dashboard scene from
fiesta model.
Download] (628KB)
- View kitchen scene from
cucinaf model.
Download] (812KB)
- 3dl model.
Download] (8,749KB)
- atma model (a bedroom).
Download] (235KB)
- bar model (public house).
Download] (303KB)
- big model.
Download] (1,359KB)
- btron model (audio demo world).
Download] (1KB)
- camaro model (car in showroom).
Download] (590KB)
- chess model (chessboard with pieces).
Download] (229KB)
- engine model (engine assembly line).
Download] (1,137KB)
- gallery model (art gallery).
Download] (207KB)
- hubble model (hubble telescope).
Download] (973KB)
- kitchen model (kitchen model).
Download] (422KB)
- machine model.
Download] (297KB)
- med model (medical demonstrator).
Download] (407KB)
- office model (office with two rooms).
Download] (230KB)
- protein model (molecular structure).
Download] (1,089KB)
- sgiaudio model (audio demo for SGIs).
Download] (2,989KB)
- space model (astronauts in space).
Download] (103KB)
- tutor1 model (VR tutorial world).
Download] (199KB)
- tutor2 model (VR tutorial world).
Download] (74KB)
- tutorial model (VR tutorial world).
Download] (KB)
Click here to return to the
Object Archive home page.
Click here for more information on the
Object Supermarket.
Martin Reddy