[1] |
G. Rhoten and M. Reddy (2020). "Authoring Grammatically Correct Conversational Templates for Siri." 44th Internationalization & Unicode Conference, October 14-16, 2020. [Video]
[2] |
K. K. Kemp (Ed.) (2008). "Encyclopedia of Geographic Information Science." Sage Publications, CA. ISBN 978-1-4129-1313-3. (Contributing Author) [Website]
[3] |
M. Reddy (2005). "3D Graphics and the Film Production Pipeline." Keynote Address at the 10th International Conference on 3D Web Technology, Bangor, UK. March, 2005 [Website]
[4] |
J. Cohen, R. Huebner, D. Luebke, M. Reddy, A. Varshney, and B. Watson (2003). "Level of Detail Management for 3D Games." Tutorial 209, Game Developer Conference 2003, March 4-8, San Jose, CA. [Slides]
[5] |
M. P. McCann and M. Reddy (2002). "Geospatial Web-based 3D Visualization for Soil-Landscape modeling." At ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting. Indianapolis, Indiana, November 11, 2002. [PDF]
[6] |
Y. Leclerc, M. Reddy, M. Eriksen, J. Brecht, and D. Colleen (2002). "SRI's Digital Earth Project". Technical Report No. 560, Artificial Intelligence Center, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA. 1 August 2002. [PDF]
[7] |
D. Luebke, M. Reddy, J. D. Cohen, A. Varshney, B. Watson, and R. Huebner (2002). "Level of Detail for 3D Graphics". Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco, CA. July 2002. ISBN 1-55860-838-9. [Website]
[8] |
R. Waldinger, M. Reddy, C. Culy, J. Hobbs, and J. Dungan (2002). "Deductive Response to Geographic Queries". GIScience 2002, Boulder, CA, September 25-28. [PDF]
[9] |
D. Luebke, M. Reddy, J. Cohen, A. Varshney, B. Watson, and R. Huebner (2002). "Advanced Issues in Level of Detail". Course #14, SIGGRAPH 2002. San Antonio, TX. July 21-26, 2002. [Slides]
[10] |
M. Reddy (2001). "Perceptually Optimized 3D Graphics". IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 21(5): 68-75. Sept/Oct 2001. [PDF]
[11] |
M. Reddy, L. Iverson, Y. Leclerc, and A. Heller (2001). "GeoVRML: Open Web-based 3D Cartography". In Proceedings of the International Cartographic Conference (ICC2001), Beijing, 6-10 August 2001. [PDF]
[12] |
Y. Leclerc, M. Reddy, L. Iverson, and A. Heller (2001). "The GeoWeb --- A New Paradigm for Finding Data on the Web". In Proceedings of the International Cartographic Conference (ICC2001), Beijing, 6-10 August 2001. [PDF]
[13] |
D. Luebke, M. Reddy, B. Watson, J. Cohen and A. Varshney (2001). "Advanced Issues in Level of Detail". Course #45, SIGGRAPH 2001. Los Angeles, CA. August 12-17, 2001. [Notes]
[14] |
M. Reddy, L. Iverson, and Y. Leclerc (2001). "GeoVRML: An Open Format for 3D Geospatial Visualization". Poster presented at Digital Earth 2001, New Brunswick, Canada, 24-28 June 2001. [GIF]
[15] |
Y. Leclerc, M. Reddy, L. Iverson, and M. Eriksen (2001). "The GeoWeb (aka dot-geo) --- Indexing Data on the Internet by Location". Digital Earth 2001, New Brunswick, Canada, 24-28 June 2001.
[16] |
M. Reddy et al. (2001) "New Nodes for VRML 200x". Workshop presented at Web3D 2001, Parderborn, Germany. February 19, 2001 [Overview]
[17] |
Y. Leclerc, M. Reddy, L. Iverson, M. Eriksen, and A. Heller (2000). "The .geo-web: A Scalable Index for the Digital Earth". In Proceedings of GIScience 2000, Savannah, Georgia. October 28-31, 2000
[18] |
E. Churchill and M. Reddy (Editors). Proceedings of the Third International ACM Conference on Collaborative Virtual Environments, September 10-12, 2000. San Francisco, CA.
[19] |
M. Reddy, L. Iverson, and Y. Leclerc (2000). "GeoVRML 1.0: Adding Geographic Support to VRML". GeoInformatics, Volume 3, September 2000. [PDF]
[20] |
D. Luebke, J. Cohen, B. Watson, M. Reddy and A. Varshney (2000). "Advanced Issues in Level of Detail". Course #41, SIGGRAPH 2000. New Orleans, LA. July 23-28, 2000. [Slides]
[21] |
D. Luebke, J. Cohen, M. Reddy and B. Watson (2000). "Advanced LOD For Dynamic Fidelity Control". Tutorial #6, IEEE Virtual Reality 2000. New Brunswick, NJ. March 18-22, 2000. [Slides]
[22] |
M. Reddy, L. Iverson, and Y. G. Leclerc (2000). "Under the Hood of GeoVRML 1.0". In Proceedings of Web3D-VRML 2000: The Fifth Symposium on the Virtual Reality Modeling Language. Monterey, California. February 21-24, pp. 23-28. [PDF]
[23] |
M. Reddy and L. Iverson (2000). "Geographic Representation in VRML: GeoVRML 1.0". Course T10-PM. The Fifth Web3D/VRML Symposium. Monterey, California. February 21-24, 2000.
[24] |
M. Reddy, Y. G. Leclerc, L. Iverson, N. Bletter, and K. Vidimce (1999). "Modeling the Digital Earth in VRML". In Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Volume 3905, pp. 113-121. [PDF]
[25] |
Y. Leclerc, M. Reddy, L. Iverson, N. Bletter (1999). "Digital Earth: Building the New World", In proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM'99), pp. 250-262. 1-3 September. Dundee, Scotland. [PDF]
[26] |
M. Reddy, L. Iverson, Y. G. Leclerc (1999). "Enabling Geographic Support in Virtual Reality Modeling with GeoVRML", Cartography and Geographic Information Science. 26(3):180. [PDF]
[27] |
D. Luebke, M. Reddy, and B. Watson (1999). "Dynamic Level of Detail: What, Why, How, and How Much". Tutorial #7 at IEEE Virtual Reality '99. Houston, Texas, March 13-17, 1999. [Slides]
[28] |
M. Reddy, Y. G. Leclerc, L. Iverson, N. Bletter, and K. Vidimce (1998). "Modeling the Digital Earth in VRML". AIC Technical Report No. 559. SRI International, Menlo Park, CA. 9 November 1998. [PDF]
[29] |
M. Reddy, Y. G. Leclerc, L. Iverson, and N. Bletter (1999). "TerraVision II: Visualizing Massive Terrain Databases in VRML". IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (Special Issue on VRML), 19(2): 30-38. [PDF]
[30] |
M. Reddy (1998). "Specification and Evaluation of Level of Detail Selection Criteria". Virtual Reality: Research, Development and Application, 3(2): 132-143. [PDF]
[31] |
M. Reddy (1997). "The Effects of Low Frame Rate on a Measure for User Performance in Virtual Environments". Technical Report ECS-CSG-36-97. Department of Computer Science, University of Edinburgh. January. [PDF]
[32] |
Y. G. Leclerc and M. Reddy (1997). "TerraVision II: Using VRML to Browse the World", in Data Visualization, (St. Louis, MO), October 1997. [PDF]
[33] |
M. Reddy (1997). "Perceptually Modulated Level of Detail for Virtual Environments". Ph.D. Thesis (CST-134-97), University of Edinburgh. [PDF]
[34] |
M. Reddy, B. Watson, N. Walker and L. F. Hodges (1997). "Managing Level of Detail in Virtual Environments: a Perceptual Framework". Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 6(6):658-666
[35] |
B. Watson, N. Walker, L. F. Hodges and M. Reddy (1997). "A User Study Evaluating Level of Detail Degradation in the Periphery of Head-Mounted Displays". Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 6(6).
[36] |
M. Reddy (1997). "The Development and Evaluation of a Model of Visual Acuity for Computer-Generated Imagery". Technical Report ECS-CSG-30-97. Department of Computer Science, University of Edinburgh. January. [PDF]
[37] |
M. Reddy (1996). "Incorporating Models of Early Vision Processing into Virtual Reality". The Applied Vision Association (AVA) Annual Meeting. 1-3 April. Dept. of Psychology, University of Reading. [PDF]
[38] |
M. Reddy (1996). "SCROOGE: Perceptually-Driven Polygon Reduction". Computer Graphics Forum, 15(4):191-203. [PDF]
[39] |
M. Reddy (1996). "A Measure for Perceived Detail in Computer-Generated Images". Technical Report ECS-CSG-19-96. Department of Computer Science, University of Edinburgh. January. [PDF]
[40] |
M. Reddy (1995). "A Survey of Level of Detail Support in Current Virtual Reality Solutions". Virtual Reality: Research, Development and Application, 1(2):95-98. [PDF]
[41] |
M. Reddy (1995). "A Perceptual Framework for Optimising Visual Detail in Virtual Environments". In Proceedings of the FIVE'95 Conference. QMW, University of London, 18-19 December. [PDF]
[42] |
M. Reddy (1995). "Musings on Volumetric Level of Detail for Virtual Environments". Virtual Reality: Research, Development and Application, 1(1):49-56. [PDF]
[43] |
M. Reddy (1994). "Reducing Lags in Virtual Reality Systems using Motion-Sensitive Level of Detail". In Proceedings of the 2nd UK VR-SIG conference. 1st December. Theale, Reading. [PDF]
Finally, as a bit of fun, the first time my name was in print was
when I was 16 years old and Your Commodore magazine published one
of my 6502 machine code program listings:
M. Reddy (1988). "Get The Point." Your Commodore,
Argus Press Group, Volume 4, Number 5, February 1988.
ISSN 0269-8277.
[Article |