EdSpell uses the freely-available ISpell package by Loren J. Rittle in order to implement the spell checking.
N.B. The EdSpell ARexx scripts have been written for use with EdWord Professional V5.5 or greater. (Although it is possible to make them work with V5.0). Full documentation and an installation utility are provided in the archive (387K). EdSpell is freely-available.
N.B. EdSpell is supplied as an lha archive. You will therefore require an appropriate dearchiving utility in order to extract the demo files. If you do not have one, then you can pick one from Here. You can then extract all the files with a command like: "lha x EdSpellV1.0.lha".
- Dowload EdSpell V1.0 from Scotland [Local]
- Dowload EdSpell V1.0 from Germany [Aminet]
- Dowload EdSpell V1.0 from Italy [Aminet]
- Dowload EdSpell V1.0 from USA [Aminet]
- Dowload EdSpell V1.0 from Australia [Aminet]