UK VR-SIG 3D Object Archive


These links give you direct access to the 3D Object Archive web site so that you can download any interesting files.
* INDEX - A list of all objects at this site
* INDEX.Z - A compressed version of INDEX
* FORMATS - Information on the supported packages/formats
* ls-lR.Z - Automatically generated listing of entire database
* autocad - AutoCAD objects (.DXF)
* dvs - Division dVS objects
* inventor - Open Inventor objects
* renderware - RenderWare objects (.RWX)
* scripts - Collection of .RWX files
* textures - Collection of .BMP textures
* rend386 - REND386/VR386/Avril objects/worlds (.PLG/.WLD)
* demos - Collection REND386 demos
* objects - Collection of .PLG files
* worlds - Collection of .WLD files
* superscape - SuperScape VRT 3 objects/worlds (.VCA/.VRT)
* objects - Collection of .VCA files
* worlds - Collection of .VRT files
* vrml - VRML 1.0 (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) objects
* wtk - WorldToolKit objects (.NFF)
* misc - Miscellaneous object formats
* vr-art - The VR-Art object collection
* textures - texture maps
* docs - relevant documents, e.g. format specs
* formats - File format specifications
* ggems - The Graphics Gems I-IV
* info - Information on software packages
* utils - relevant utilities, e.g. converters
* convert - object format conversion utilities
* process - object processing/filtering utilities
* view - object viewers

- The UK VR-SIG 3D Object Archive -

3D Archive Home Page / Introduction
Object Supermarket / Uploading / Other URLs

Last Updated: 3 Mar, 1997. HTML code checked with weblint V1.015. Contains Netscape extensions.