This section aims to collate URLs for other sites which may be of
interest or relevance to anyone who finds this site interesting or
relevant. This section is open to contributions, so if you know of
a site which should be listed here, then mail me and I'll consider
adding it.
- The
Avalon repository
contains a large collection
of objects in various formats (inc. 3DS, Lightwave, BYU, DXF, ENFF,
OBJ, OFF, POV etc.), as well as a large selection of textures (in RGB,
WIN, JPEG, TIFF formats).
- The
Mesh Mart.
A Web interface to many of the objects at the Avalon repository; mostly
the 3D Studio (3DS) files. Let's user view rendered images of 3DS objects
before downloading.
Offer a 3D Models Bank of fully textured 3D models, a fabric
simulator with AVI previews, etc..
They also develop plugins for 3D Studio MAX
and offer a custom modeling service.
- The
site maintained by NASA Ames. Contains many WTK objects (mostly
already mirrored at this site).
3D Cafe :
royalty-free objects and scenes in various formats, including
3DS, LW and VRML. Includes cheap custom modeling services.
- The
Model Masters Home Page.
A collection of free and cheap models/utilities for a
variety of formats.
- Applied Technology's
Object Warehouse.
A service for buying and selling pre-built sets of software objects.
- The
Acuris Inc..
Home Page. Acuris have various free and commercial models available,
and offer a custom modeling service. They also sell a number of
with various models, textures, etc.
- 3RDimension Graphic's
3D Links.
Includes information, modelers, objects, textures & tools.
- The
VRML Repository
is an impartial network
resource for the dissemination of information relating to VRML.
- 2Morrow Inc.'s
Real-time Model CD.
275 models in 14 different formats for 65 dollars.
- The
Home Page. A Virtual Gallery to show and preview work
by artists using VR as a creative medium.
- The
Weblynx Ultimate World
An extensive collection of VRML resources on the Web.
Fire Flash Designs
provide 3D computer models, VRML, scenes, web graphics etc.
MicroBoss Inc.
provide a 3D model library.
The CGSD RealTexure Library and the RealTexture tools.
Texture Land.
A site full of texture map files (JPG format).
- The
Graphic Formats
page. Lots of info on various image formats, including GIF,
JPEG, PCX, TIFF, FAX etc., as well as 3D formats such as 3DS, DXF, PLG,
NFF etc.
3D Object Format Info maintained by the Center for Innovative
Computer Applications (CICA)
- Chris Hand's
VR Software
page. Contains information on many available packages,
in addition to a list of
3D Graphics Software.
- Home of the
2Morrow demo. Runs on a PC (80386 or higher).
- Home of the
graphics package. Freely available. Runs on a PC (80386 or higher).
- Information for AutoDesk's
Cyberspace Developer Kit (CDK).
Available for Windows 3.1/NT.
- Home of the
(Distributed Virtual Reality system). Freely available.
Runs on SGI, Sun Sparc, IBM RS/6000.
- Home of the
graphics package. Freely available. Runs on a Mac.
- Home of the
graphics package. Freely available to licenced Academic and Research
institutions. Runs on SGI, DEC & IBM workstations.
- Home of the
VR package. Includes free viewer for a PC.
- Home of the
graphics package. Freely available. Runs on a PC (80386 or higher).
- Home of the
graphics package demos and documentation. Runs on PC, Mac, X11.
- Information on the
Microsoft RenderMorphics package. Runs on PC, X11, RS/6000,
SGI, Mac, Sony PSX etc.
- Home of the
graphics package. Freely available. Runs on a PC (80386 or higher).
- A collection of freely available
VRML Browsers & Plug-ins
for just about any platform you can think of.
AccuTrans 3D: 3D object conversion software (for Windows).
Supports AutoCAD, 3D Studio, Wavefront, Imagine, LightWave, TrueSpace,
Turbo Silver, Sculpt, and VideoScape.
- Acuris Inc. sell a number of
3D geometry converters (for PC and SGI). Includes: 3ds->hrc ,
3ds->obj, obj->3ds, iv->3dmf, 3ds->3dmf,
proE->3ds, proE->obj, proE->hrc.
Okino Computer Graphics, Inc.
produce 3D rendering, visualisation and model translation software.
Includes the PolyTrans and NuGraf systems.
- Information on the
WorldToolKit package.
- The UK VR-SIG 3D Object Archive -
3D Archive Home Page /
Object Supermarket /
Entire Archive /
Last Updated: 3 Mar, 1997.
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